long range planning

Analyzing regional land use scenarios in Las Vegas

Greater Las Vegas is the largest region in the country without a long-range transit plan. Having recently completed a long-range land use plan, the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada (RTC) set out to prepare a comprehensive regional transit plan that could leverage transportation investments to support the region’s TOD aspirations.

Using MapCraft Labs, the project team was able to apply industry-leading real estate financial modeling techniques to every parcel in the region. This allows RTC to model how transit investments and zoning changes could affect the the distribution of households and jobs.

The web app interface makes it simple to create new scenarios reflecting different transit investment options, land use regulations, regional growth scenarios, and market conditions. The Lab takes only a few minutes to calculate scenario results for all 800,000 parcels in the region.

The MapCraft outputs are helping RTC make informed decisions about how future transit investments can best serve the region’s residents. RTC expects to release the final plan in early 2020.