


MapCraft builds tools to test the impact of proposed policies on real estate development

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How is the MapCraft app different?

For many policy questions, the answers vary across space—whether a study area, city, or state. Often, policy analysts must compromise: either use sophisticated modeling techniques to examine a few prototypical places, or analyze the entire study area using simplified approaches.

Using the MapCraft app and scalable cloud infrastructure, you get the best of both worlds: high-quality analysis at the most detailed scale. Processes that were traditionally focused on creating a few representative spreadsheets can now be run for entire cities, regions, or states.

Ask high impact questions

You define the specific analysis that is relevant to your project. Build the analysis in Excel or Python, and then upload to MapCraft to see how results vary across the study area. The MapCraft app can be used to analyze real estate feasibility, affordable housing, the impact of investments in public transit, and more.


Get context-specific answers

MapCraft typically runs analyses on every parcel in the study area and maps both disaggregate and aggregate results. MapCraft can help users understand how important parameters affect outcomes on each parcel across a corridor, an entire jurisdiction, or a whole state.

Large datasets? Not a problem. We frequently analyze more than 2 million parcels covering the entire state of Colorado or the 12 million parcels in California.


Test policy scenarios

MapCraft makes it easy to simulate the impact of different policy options or changing market conditions. With just a few clicks, users create new scenarios to test how widespread changes or geographically targeted measures would impact outcomes.

A sophisticated permissions system helps multiple users work collaboratively. An API allows running large numbers of simulations, tracking status of the runs, and collating outputs.

Get Answers to Your Urban Policy Questions

Gentrification and displacement

Evaluate the factors that influence gentrification and displacement to understand spatial implications for affordability and equity.


Calibrate policies like inclusionary housing and density bonus programs that rely on market forces to deliver affordable housing.

transit-oriented development

Analyze TOD potential of transit investment alternatives. Integrate TOD, gentrification, and housing assessments in one tool.

Regional transportation Planning

Model land use impacts of regional transportation investments and visualize scenarios for policymakers.

Upzoning Policies

Understand the influence of different upzoning policies on real estate development potential, including the interaction of multiple policies.

Urban growth potential

Simulate parcel-level development potential to understand growth capacity within jurisdictions and urban growth boundaries.

Real estate funding and financing tools

Evaluate how different funding and financing tools could inform real estate development opportunities in particular contexts.

District Funding
and Financing

Assess the public bonding capacity of real estate tools like tax increment financing, local assessment districts, and development exactions.


Geographic Equity

Compare how the costs and benefits of economic development initiatives and other public investments vary across space.

Supporting Policy Analyses Nationwide


Our clients and users include governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, and private businesses. For-profit clients remain undisclosed.

MapCraft has entered into a strategic partnership with ECOnorthwest to configure and deliver the MapCraft app to ECOnorthwest's clients in the Pacific Northwest and beyond.

MapCraft has teamed with Terner Labs to provide the technology that powers the Terner Housing Supply Simulator.


Produce newsworthy insights with MapCraft

Case Study: MapCraft partnered with the Terner Center for Housing and Innovation at UC Berkeley in 2021 to analyze the potential impacts of California Senate Bill 9, which legalized duplexes and lot splits on single-family zones in California as of January 1st, 2022. We estimated that the bill could increase the number of potential new market-feasible homes by 700,000 statewide. Our analysis was cited in news coverage by the LA Times, New York Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Vox, Slate, Bloomberg, and more.

Ground plans in the reality of real estate feasibility with MapCraft

Case Study: Sound Transit turned to transit planners, station architects, urban designers, and other experts to help plan the West Seattle to Ballard Link Extension. To advise Sound Transit on station area planning strategies, ECONorthwest relied on MapCraft to categorize context-specific equitable transit-oriented development (ETOD) opportunities, including evaluating the financial feasibility of more than one hundred building prototypes on each parcel in the corridor to test how different transit designs, market conditions, and zoning policies could influence development outcomes.

Formulate better land use and transportation policies with MapCraft

Case Study: SPUR (the San Francisco Bay Area Planning and Urban Research Association) relied on MapCraft to understand how different policies could shape the Bay Area’s growth in more sustainable ways. Based on MapCraft’s policy scenario testing, including an evaluation of business-as-usual policies, SPUR identified the best strategies to meet the growth principles that defined their New Civic Vision for the Bay Area in 2070.

Read our case studies to see how MapCraft has helped organizations across the country

Test Drive the MapCraft app


Our live demo lets you test how various inclusionary housing policies would change the financial feasibility of new multifamily development on the West Coast. 

Built on Experience


MapCraft's two founders were inspired to build MapCraft's tools following decades of work in urban planning consulting, real estate investment, and software development. They have assembled a diverse team at MapCraft to deliver trailblazing technical solutions and policy insights.



Ian Carlton is a social entrepreneur and educator who helps people shape their cities in sustainable ways. Ian lives in Portland, OR.


Fletcher Foti is a conscientious coder whose projects seek to clearly communicate how our cities work. Fletcher is based in Oakland, CA.


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We are located in Oakland and Portland


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